Ad Placement Within Show Schedule
Every Tuesday & Thursday @ 9PM (EST)
Categories of ads in our podcast sponsorships:
Pre‐roll: 15–30 second ad at the start of the show.
Mid‐roll: 1 minute ad in the middle of the show.
Post‐roll: 15–30 second ad at the end of the show.
9:00 PM
Opening Monologue
The hosts greet the audience and then talk about the topic of the show (along with witty banter and self-serving / self-deprecating stories related to the show topic).
PRE-ROLL: "Today's show is brought to you by..." - Option of playing your 15- 30 second commercial or having the hosts read an ad (in a brand ambassador format).
9:30 AM
Guest Interview & Group Discussion
The hosts introduce the guest(s), and proceed into an interview-style conversation about the show topic. This segment also includes on-screen visual aid clips during the (Zoom/Video) interview. Listeners also call in to ask questions and discuss the show topic.
MID-ROLL: Option of playing your 1-minute commercial or having the hosts read an ad (in a brand ambassador format).
10:00 PM
The Hook-Up
The hosts allow listeners to call in and engage in an online dating experience, similar to what they will find in our dating app. This is the most interactive portion of our show... and will most likely create the most viral moments.
MID-ROLL: Option of playing your 1-minute commercial or having the hosts read an ad (in a brand ambassador format).
10:50 PM
Closing Monologue
The hosts give an "in conclusion..." overview of what was heard on the episode, and invite listeners to tune in to upcoming episodes.
POST-ROLL: Option of playing your 15-30 second commercial or having the hosts read an ad (in a brand ambassador format). This can also be in the form of a product / contest giveaway (in an effort to keep listeners engaged with your product offering).

Sponsor Interest Form
Please fill out the form below for sponsorship / ad pricing.